Introduzione all’info-design

blocco 2: novembre 2021

offerta didattica

Il corso – la cui partecipazione è gratuita – è diretto primariamente agli studenti delle università partner, ma ci piacerebbe anche ospitare professionisti, curiosi, persone che lavorano in altri campi ma che sono interessate all’info-design. La loro presenza, crediamo infatti, arricchirebbe il programma.

Per gli studenti delle università partner partecipanti al progetto formativo è previsto il riconoscimento di CFU.

blocco 1
aprile-maggio 2021
calendario e contenuti

L'attività didattica si svolgerà on-line, secondo il calendario che trovate di seguito.

L'orario delle sessioni sará dalle 11.00 alle 12.30 – con due interventi di 45 minuti – salvo la sessione prevista per sabato 20 novembre che avrá luogo in orario serale, dalle 18.00 alle 19.30.

Come nel blocco precedente, le sessioni on-line si svolgeranno sulla piattaforma Teams.


sa 6 novembre 2021 - 11.00 -> 12.30

Visual journalism
L1 Matteo Moretti

Programmazione creativa -> visualizzazione di dati A/R
L2 Alfredo Calosci

Una rassegna di esempi – ed alcune riflessioni – sul processo di produzione, sui modelli consolidati e su cosa possiamo intendere per "dato" in un contesto digitale.

sa 13 novembre 2021 - 11.00 -> 12.30

Da Raw Graphs all’Atlante Italo Calvino
L3 Tommaso Elli

Raccontare il mondo
CSa Luigi Ferrauto e Andrea Novali. Case study: 100 km studio.

Blending design expertise with geographic experience, integrating graphic design with the ability to describe the world.

Walking In Rome

sa 20 novembre 2021 - 17.00 -> 19.00 sessione serale

Forensic Oceanography
CSb Charles Heller. Case study: Forensic Oceanography.

Data Embodiment
L4 Paolo Ciuccarelli

sa 27 novembre 2021 - 11.00 -> 13.00

Informative animation
L5 Nicolò Ceccarelli

Fin dall’introduzione del cinema l’animazione ha avuto un ruolo per introdurre, presentare, rendere accessibili contenuti complessi, o anche solo’ difficili’.

Ripercorreremo questa storia attraverso alcuni esempi, anche mettendo a fuoco alcune tra le più brillanti soluzioni narrative.


Lo spazio narrativo
L6 Letizia Bollini

Lo spazio può essere una sorgente di dati così come un'interfaccia, luogo di informazione e di esperienza per le persone.


Letizia Bollini

Associate Professor in Design at the Faculty of Design and Arts of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

letizia bollini

Architect and Ph.D. is Associate professor of Communication/Interaction/Transmedia Design at the Faculty of Design and Arts of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Letizia Bollini has an extended research and professional expertise multimodal user interfaces, interaction and user experience design, visual design and socio-spatial representation.

In her work both as a researcher and a designer, Letizia likes to put special focus on the evolution of technology, and on issues such as accessibility and human-centered design.

A member of AIAP’s (the Italian Association for Visual Design) board, Letizia has been representing Italy at ICOGRADA (1999-09). After having being part of the evaluation committee of the Communication/Visual design (2011-16) for the ADI (Italian Association of Industrial Design) Design Index preselection of the Compasso d’Oro Award, she leads the committee of the Theoretical, historical, critical research and publishing projects category.

Alfredo Calosci

Profesor Asociado - Universidad Complutense Madrid


Lecturer of “infographic and data visualization” for the graduate program in Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts - Universidad Complutense Madrid and for the Master of Interaction Design at the “Escuela Superior de Diseño”.

He works in Madrid as creative coder and interaction Designer and collaborates in the research activities of the AnimazioneDesign Lab at the University of Sassari.

Nicolò Ceccarelli

Associate Professor in Design at the Dept. of Architecture Design and Planning (UNISS)


Nicolò Ceccarelli’s main areas of interest and expertise are communication and exhibit design.

With the neo-local design project he has been engaged on developing a design approach aware of the local dimension for getting closer to the needs of the human community, in every ‘local’ place of the earth.

In his Alghero research laboratory ‘animazionedesign’ over the years he has carried out design work on Sardinia’s unique tangible material and immaterial heritage, such as an a vast corporate project at the 2015 Expo, a multimedia installation on regional crafts at Milan's Triennale, a traveling exhibit for Alghero Prison’s Museum.

His passion for exploring of new languages for making information accessible, through visual design has brought him to create the 2CO_COmmunicating Complexity platform.

Paolo Ciuccarelli

Director of the Center for Design
Northeastern University


Architect and Communication Designer, Paolo Ciuccarelli is Professor of Design at Northeastern after twenty years at Politecnico di Milano in Italy.

At Politecnico he coordinated the Communication Design program (BSc and MSc), has been member of the board at the PhD in Design and he founded the DensityDesign Research Lab, an award winning laboratory for data visualization and information design.

Tommaso Elli

Researcher Assistant at the Density Design Research Lab


Bringing together his interest in both information design and web programming, his research focuses on the realization of user interfaces that combine data visualization and visual storytelling, especially for what concerns the field of Digital Humanities.

Sabrina Melis

Visual designer and PhD candidate


Her Doctoral research explores how to integrate existing technologies in original ways to convey complex information.

Engaged on a regular basis as a motion-grapher and an illustrator Sabrina is an active part of Alghero’s animazionedesign research unit.

Matteo Moretti

Co-founder of

matteo moretti

Award-winning designer, he is co-founder of the first studio on information-experience-design.

His projects, presented in many academic conferences and events, received the Data Journalism Award 2015, the European Design Award 2016 and 2017. Moretti has also been a jury member at the World Press Photo 2017-18 and one of the 100 ambassadors of Italian design in the world 2018.

Michele Zannoni

Associate Professor, Department of Architecture of the Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna


Member of the Advanced Design Unit, his publications include articles in SCIRES-IT journal and Material Design Journal.

Author of the book Progetto e Interazione (Quodlibet, 2018), which explore the intersection of interaction processes and visual and product design.

His scientific research is concerned about digital and physical products and interaction design.

He has collaborated since 2009 with the Technogym design center and has designed many of the company's user interfaces

con la partecipazione di

Matteo Bonera

Creative director of The Visual Agency (Milan)


A multi-disciplinary creative with backgrounds in art, design, multimedia and knowledge visualization, Matteo loves driving the creativity of complex projects of adv., communication & information design.

He lectures at international companies, universities and masters, and teaches as adjunct professor at the Politecnico di Milano.

Luigi Farrauto

100 km studio


Andrea Novali

100 km studio


100km studio è uno studio grafico specializzato in progetti di cartografia e wayfinding, fondato da Luigi Farrauto e Andrea Novali.
Descriviamo mondi combinando sintesi grafica e conoscenza geografica.

Charles Heller

Research Fellow / Forensic Oceanography


Charles Heller is a researcher and filmmaker whose work has a long-standing focus on the politics of migration within and at the borders of Europe

He is currently Research Associate at the Graduate Institute, Geneva.

Together with Lorenzo Pezzani, in 2011 Heller co-founded Forensic Oceanography, a collaborative project based at Goldsmiths that has developed innovative methodologies to document the conditions that lead to migrants’ deaths at sea, and which has generated human rights reports, articles and videos that have been exhibited internationally.

He has also contributed to found the WatchTheMed platform and is a board member of the Migreurop network.

Giovanni Magni

Head of Data Visualization at Accurat, and Adjunct Professor at Poli.Design


As information designer, his job is to design editorial and digital experiences that allow the reading and exploration of data.

Graduated from Politecnico di Milano, he also studied at the LUCA School of Arts in Brussels. During his career he has collaborated with Italian and foreign companies such as Pentagram, the World Economic Forum, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Triennale di Milano, as well as magazines such as Scientific American.

Giovanni currently is Head of Data Visualization of Accurat, a design studio founded in Milan in 2011 and based in New York, with which in the last years he designed the IBM Data Visualization Design Language and the Starbucks Data Wall for the first italian roastery.

una iniziativa di
DADU Alma Mater studiorum UNIBZ
con il patrocinio di
AIAP ADI Lombardia